Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Maybe it's time for me to start posting some of these short stories out of my little notebook. Maybe...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Designing a Better Wonder Woman.

So the challenge was put before me by my friend Matt, In light of the new Wonder Woman redesign, let's do an artistic exercise where WE design our own "New" Wonder Woman.

What? Wonder Woman has a new what? Huh?

Pants? WTF?

I'll say this, about the Jim Lee's new design: It's not the best Jim Lee Design, but it's not bad. Not at all. Personally I would've liked Mister George Perez or Mister Phil Jimenez (best Wonder Woman artists. Period.) or Adam Hughes to design the new costume. Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Wonder Woman

I have a lot of problems drawing Wonder Woman. I think it's because my art style tends to go for a more rounded youthful girl type drawing, perfect for Supergirl, Power Girl, Star Spangled Kid, Gwen Stacy and other characters that aren't Blonde Teenagers. Wonder Woman, is, well she's Wonder Woman, so she can't look like a little kid, and too many angles makes her look manish, so there's a fine line that needs to be reached and I don't always feel I hit it.

My problem with designing a new Wonder Woman is, well I already think she has HAD the perfect costume, and that's her white 70's Mod Outfit. Except the "Perfect" costume that I seem to recall, doesn't actually exist! It's like a combination of multiple costumes: Wonder Woman Wonder Woman Wonder Woman

The next problem I come across is that Donna Troy, Wonder Woman's sister, clone, whatever she is now.. has had TWO OF THE BEST COSTUMES EVER. EVER: donna troy donna troy

So all of this combined with the fact that I'm about to put my art on display with far superior artists, gives me a slight sense of "why even try," however, I'm still going to try. So here we have 3 work in progress sketches from my sketchbook (Moleskin!) and one work in progress sketch from Sketchbook Pro for Mac (That Means it's digital!). Hopefully sometime tonight or tomorrow I'll have a finished honest to goodness something to show (although, true art is never finished, it's just done). Yeah, yeah, just finish the damn drawings already Kevin.. My assignment for this week was design a new Wonder Woman.. This is  what I've got.. My assignment for this week was design a new Wonder Woman.. This is  what I've got.. My assignment for this week was design a new Wonder Woman.. This is  what I've got.. Wonder Woman Sketch in Progress: